Selasa, 10 Juni 2014

Batubulan Village

Bali is an island of art, one of the villages located in Bali's art is Batubulan village. Batubulan is an art and cultural tourist village which is the gateway to central and eastern Bali Tourism denjut pulse. Batubulan located in low-lying areas between 10-20 meters above sea level about 10 km from the city of Denpasar and also as a gateway to the region east Bali village boundaries include Singapadu in the north, the village of Kesiman in the south, and the East Village Ketewel Village Penatih (Denpasar) in the West.
Arts and crafts Stone Sculpture Stone Sculpture padas Batubulan is a superior product that has distinctive characteristics and Traditional. Most of the sculptures made into ornaments Batubulan temples, hotels and government offices. In addition to local sale Bali, handicraft statue Batubulan diekport also abroad. In the expansion of many of the craftsmen from Central Java sculpture statue stone market in this area, so that the motive was like a statue dominating central java. Indeed pamatung Batubulan very productive. The high demand for their display of sculptures made when there is thinning and the buyer must be willing to queue.

Lake Tamblingan Bali Asri and Cool

Tamblingan Lake is a lake located in the north slope of Mount Mortar, Munduk Village area, District of Banjar, Buleleng, Bali. This lake is one of three twin lakes formed within a large caldera. In the east there is a row of Lake Buyan and Lake Beratan. Flanked by the surrounding forest, and because it is located in the highlands makes the air cool lake environment.

With an altitude of over 1,000 meters above sea level, Lake Tamblingan into beautiful nature and cool. In the morning, the fog hovering on the surface of the lake water, add to the impression as if the mystical. Plus, this lake has not been touched by human hands. There are no motorized boats, there is only a typical boat named 'Pedahu' used local people for fishing.

Canang Sari Craft Center "Board Name" in Bali

Balinese carving craft not only dominate the statue alone. Nameplate was in the hands of craftsmen of Bali is special and worth selling to an additional touch of engraving.

One of the Board Names crafts in Bali is "Canang Sari". Crafts Board Names located in Banjar Sari Canang Tegeha Country Rock Sukawati, Gianyar Bali. For a visit to the craft Canang Board Names Sari, buyers need mileage from Denpasar city center about 45 minutes.

I Wayan Suardana a business owner Canang Crafts Board Names Sari, he opened a business craft nameplate has been around for decades and is inherited from a parent. Many visitors who come to buy craft this nameplate, both domestic and foreign. Various types of signage you can choose according to your wishes. If you are with your partner and want to create a unique moment, you can menggunanakan your name and your spouse and carved in a piece of wood.

Canang Sari is one of the businesses engaged in craft Board Names. Crafts carved nameplate on offer, ranging sitting nameplate put on the table, such as the person's name, job title, welcome greeting, check-in, and so forth. Including the nameplate affixed to the wall as a welcome, thank you, Swastyastu Om, the symbol of Om Kara, house number, room number and many others. Prices range from Rp. 50,000 and depending on the type of wood and carving the desired buyer.

Bunut Bolong In Bali Saving Value Magis

Attractions in Bali is often ogled by tourists is Bunut Bolong attractions. Bunut Bolong located approximately 86 miles from downtown Denpasar.

Bunut Bolong is a tourist attraction that is very unique and interesting to visit. Bunut Bolong located in the village Manggisari, sub Pekutatan, Jembrana. Bunut which has a hole in it. Tree holes contained in this Bunut passable by car or motorcycle, very unique at all. Locals believe strongly that this tree has a magical value.

When you traveled in Bunut Bolong, you can be looking at a stretch of forest is very green and beautiful the tree is located on the west side Bunut thus providing value to the visit. In addition to forests and trees Bunut Bolong, there is also a stretch of clove around the tree Bunut. Because it is situated in a mountainous area, the air around this very cool attractions.

Senin, 09 Juni 2014

Kecak Dance

Indonesia, a beautiful country that is made ​​up of tens of thousands of islands spread from Sabang to Merauke. With a number of islands which are very much here, which led Indonesia has a very rich culture and diverse. Talk about Indonesian culture is not going to be endless, moreover, every culture itself also has its own classification that makes us more aware that how we should be proud of his having been born in the rich Indonesian soil.

Kecak dance is usually referred to as "Cak" or dance of fire (Fire Dance) is a dance show or entertainment and mass tends to the art of ballet is full of drama and dance as art depicting the role of "The play Puppets" as Rama and Sita is not specifically used in the Hindu religious rituals such as worship, temple ceremony and other ceremonies.

No one knows where it started Kecak dance first appeared and evolved. But there is a deal of the Balinese Kecak Dance Kecak stating that first developed in Bona, Gianyar.

At first the Kecak dance is an art of music which is derived from a combination of sounds that accompany the dance sahyang usual. At first only in pentaskan in the temple, because Sahyang Dance is one of the sacred dance. But in the 1930s emerged an artist named Wayan modulus in collaboration with a German painter named Walter Spies who try to develop this dance by taking part of the Ramayana story in lieu of dance dramatarikan sahyang in order for the dance to be staged in front of the the general public. The passage is taken and in dramatarikan initially when Shinta was abducted by King Ravana. 

Kecak Dance is a typical Balinese performing arts that are created in the 1930s and played mainly one man laki.Tarian is performed by many (tens or more) male dancers who sat lined up in a circle and with a certain rhythm called "cak" and raised both arms, depicting the Ramayana as Rama's line of apes help fight Ravana. However, Kecak originated from sanghyang ritual, which dancers dance traditions will be in unconscious condition, to communicate with the unseen spirits.