Selasa, 10 Juni 2014

Batubulan Village

Bali is an island of art, one of the villages located in Bali's art is Batubulan village. Batubulan is an art and cultural tourist village which is the gateway to central and eastern Bali Tourism denjut pulse. Batubulan located in low-lying areas between 10-20 meters above sea level about 10 km from the city of Denpasar and also as a gateway to the region east Bali village boundaries include Singapadu in the north, the village of Kesiman in the south, and the East Village Ketewel Village Penatih (Denpasar) in the West.
Arts and crafts Stone Sculpture Stone Sculpture padas Batubulan is a superior product that has distinctive characteristics and Traditional. Most of the sculptures made into ornaments Batubulan temples, hotels and government offices. In addition to local sale Bali, handicraft statue Batubulan diekport also abroad. In the expansion of many of the craftsmen from Central Java sculpture statue stone market in this area, so that the motive was like a statue dominating central java. Indeed pamatung Batubulan very productive. The high demand for their display of sculptures made when there is thinning and the buyer must be willing to queue.

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